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Friday 20 November 2009

Dear David, A Series of Letters to a Longtime Friend - The Background

I first published this popular series of letters on the web site last year 2008. Unfortunately before I could complete the series the web site was closed down by the new owners who are obviously more interested in making piles of dosh than providing a very useful service to the gay and lesbian population.

C'est la vie!

Firstly let me just answer one question that various people have asked me, 'Yes, David is a real person'!!

He is quite elderly these days, and was my first 'affair' as we called it then, what it is called these days I dread to think!

Naturally this was a long time ago, when I was still at senior school and up until a few months after my going to University. Then for various reasons it the relationship was ended, and soon after that my University career as well. The affair recommenced some time after and went on for another three years. The historians amongst you will realise that while homosexuality was legalised when I ws 15, it was only legal if both partners were over 21!

As this was a era when 'Brokeback Mountain' was a reality, it did not really cause a problem, because nobody was out to that extent, which I always felt was a good way to be! Of course after a few gins I can be at 'Out' as anybody else, but that never has been my style!

In the course of my Internet surfing looking for something completely different I found the following on the Wikipedia web site....

"Lord Arran, in an attempt to minimise criticisms that the legislation would lead to further public debate and visibility of issues relating to homosexual civil rights made the following qualification to this 'historic' milestone: "I ask those [homosexuals] to show their thanks by comporting themselves quietly and with dignity… any form of ostentatious behaviour now or in the future or any form of public flaunting would be utterly distasteful… [And] make the sponsors of this bill regret that they had done what they had done" (quoted during Royal Assent of the bill by The Times newspaper on 28 July 1967). The legal consequence of the legislation is often described as partial decriminalisation of male homosexuality as the act introduced a strict exemption from prosecution (distinct from a full decriminalisation) the implication of this being that outside this exemption, homosexuality continued to be a punishable offence in and of itself." (Source Wikipedia

I have highlighted the relevant text in blue, and at times I really feel that some people should really follow this advice! Sorry guys!

Anyway I digress, as I often do....The Dear David series was never published completed, although the notes were laid out and ready to go, I never found what I considered a suitable site for them, namely a web site devoted to gay and lesbian articles.

Finally the series is being republished on a different site, starting with the already published articles covering January to May 2008. Of course these articles where original aimed at gay and lesbian travel lers to Greece and the Greek Islands, specifically Crete. But they are appicable to others as well.

You can of course publish them on your web site provided you stick to the rules set out on the web site. If you would like to publish an edited version then by all means contact me and I will be happy to do the re-write for you.

You can find the list of articles here

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